The META push-back rack is a variant of the gravity flow rack. It applies the LIFO principle (Last In First Out) . The goods are loaded and removed on one side only. When one pallet is removed, the tilt causes the next item to move to the entry side or exit side.

- Only one stacker truck aisle is required, resulting in the most efficient utilization of space
- Quicker access to stored goods
- Time savings through use of own goods transport, shorter travel times and fewer obstructions
- Optimal for goods without an expiry date
- The removal of superfluous aisles frees up more usable space
- Time savings through use of own goods transport, shorter travel times and fewer obstructions
LIFO principle (Last In First Out):
Goods are stored and removed on the same side, and are immediately ready to go.
Service & Maintenance: META flow racks are compatible with other META racks and can be converted, extended or upgraded at any time – they can grow along with your wishes and requirements, and they are long-lasting. META can carry out regular rack inspections for you. In this way, your system will be checked out for functionality and safety by specially trained personnel.